| Territory

The grand final for the coronation of the Queen and Princess of the Valleys was held in Serina in 2018.
A parade through the streets of the town, with the band of Oltre il Colle and the winners of the 9th exhibitions of the Bergamo Valleys in order to elect the best Brown cow that will represent our valleys at the Verona regional exhibition.
An event that emphasizes the work of the farmers, those who still with commitment and pride give their soul for the mountains.
A demonstration that the mountain can offer, with the synergy between men, animals and nature, an important source of work and satisfaction.
A deep message that looks far ahead is what we want to show after witnessing and being involved in this event.
Schools with their works are sensitive to the topic. It was not just a moment of celebration, but a glance towards an ancient work that is too often taken for granted, because overwhelmed by the processes of industrialization that inevitably end up hiding a meticulous, tireless, laborious activity.

Oltre il Colle Band Corps

The parade:

The protagonists:

Local products:

See you soon!

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